Darum ist Bildung so wichtig
Wissen und Bildung ist nicht dazu da, zu sagen “ich bin besser !".Nein.
Wissen um die Geschehnisse der Welt hilft uns Dinge zu verstehen und Fehler nicht nochmals zu machen.
(…) On May 10, 2011, a user of Kaixin, the Chinese equivalent of Facebook, posted a version of the rumor on his wall. The post attracted an enormous following, with more than 170,000 views and 40,000 comments.
Of the people who left comments, 38.8% believe that Hitler was raised by Chinese, 7.1% believe that Hitler supported China in World War II, 4.6% regard Hitler as a hero, and 9.1% hope that China will have a leader similar to Hitler. (…)
via: neoterisch.de