Bash lernen und verstehen

Kommentieren Jun 09 2009 .txt, .json, .md

die developerWorks Seiten von IBM sind immer sehr hielfreich.

Hier nun eine Reihe die sich mit bash (Bourne again shell) beschäftigen und es leichter machen damit umzugehen.

Summary: By learning how to program in the bash scripting language, your day-to-day interaction with Linux will become more fun and productive, and you’ll be able to build upon those standard UNIX constructs (like pipelines and redirection) that you already know and love. In this three-part series, Daniel Robbins will teach you how to program in bash by example. He’ll cover the absolute basics (making this an excellent series for beginners) and bring in more advanced features as the series proceeds.

Bash by example, Part 1 Bash by example: Part 2 Bash by example: Part 3

Viel Spass.

banana out