OpenSource in PHP

Kommentieren Apr 08 2009 .txt, .json, .md

According to a study made by the European Commission, the number of existing open source applications already available would have cost firms around £8 billion to produce. The PHP community believes strongly in openness as a key factor for success, and has been contributing to open source for more than a decade now. But, why?

Ask not what open source software can do for you, but what you can do for open source software” - Anonymous

PHP Contribution to Open Source

In dem Artikel ist auch eine Liste mit tollen alternativen zu Closed software.

zB. # Laconica (Twitter) # Elgg (Facebook) # WordPress (Blogger) # Pligg (Digg) # PHPmotion (Daily Motion) # Piwik (Google Analytics) # Tiny Tiny RSS (Google Reader) # AfterLogic (Google Mail)

Banana out.