HLStats 1-50beta release

Kommentieren Mar 03 2009 .txt, .json, .md

well i’m proud to announce the beta release of the next version of HLStats.

Please go here to this topic and report any feedback you have there.

Thx banana

Changelog so far:

1.50 (TBA)

- New: EloRating system. Can be activated and used sperate it along with the existing (thx to HampusW)

- New: Beta support for Zombie Panic

- New: IngamePoints option in hlstats.conf allows to de/active the skill report at kill/frag (thx to  Schlesie)

- New: Beta gamesupport for L4D

- New: At server configuration you can enter the default map. This map is used

     if HLStats is unable to determine the map.

- New: /skill and /pskill now reports the KpD too. (Feature request: 2556961 )

- Fixed: there were still some php short tags in some scripts (thx to psychonic and enemy)

- Fixed: Missing semicolon on hlstats-resolv.pl (thx to  freaker)

- Fixed: Missing & at the hlstats.sh script (thx to Shakal)

- Fixed: Possible error in query (sig.php) and include path(xml.php) (thx to Andre86)

- Fixed: Error for connects flash as no player data was in events table

- Fixed: tf2 gamesupport file

- Changed: Improvements to the flash charts

- Changed: SQl Improvements to the database and queries which speeds at large amount of data

- Changed: hlstats.pl prints only info with -d

- Changed: hls_skill and hls_pskill are now skill and pskill

- Changed: Improved support for utf-8

- Changed: Improved base sql file. WARNING it will only work with mysql 4.1.x and newer

- Changed: DB Error shows only error and no user information

- Changed: Simplified the db class, since we only support mysql

- Changed: cleaned code base and now using PHP 5

- Added: sm_psay for a private say command with sourceMod (thx to unkraut)

- Added: a not to the installer, to activate cookies