Wireless Keyboards Hacked
Ich habe es ja schon immer gewusst, dass wireless, das am zu einfachsten zu knackende Medium im vergelich zu anderen Ubertragungsmedien ist. Daher mache ich mir nichts aus wireless und co. Nun ist es anscheinend auch mal so weit, dass es offiziell ist:
Wireless Keyboards and Hackers Mix All Too Well
According to this [whitepaper (PDF)](http://www.dreamlab.net/download/articles/27_Mhz_keyboard_insecurities.pdf)
from Dreamlab Technologies, the encryption on Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop 1000 and 2000 keyboards is
so weak that a hacker with either the ability to track the handshake protocol between the keyboard's transponder
and receiver or a dictionary file with the 256 encryptions the keyboard uses can set up a remote keylogger after
20 to 50 keystrokes, which can equate to as little as a minute's worth of security.
Nun denn frohes Hacken ;-) Mirror