Here is a list what do you need to run HLStats - A Webserver (Apache) - PHP5 > 5.2.0 enabled in your webserver ( + bcmath ) - MySQL > 4.1 with full rights (eg. 'GRANT ALL on...') - Perl 5 (Active Perl for Windows) - The DBI Perl Module (Installation see perl-modules.txt) - The DBD MySQL Module (Installation see perl-modules.txt) - The Config-Tiny Module (Installation see perl-modules.txt) Notice: Make sure the Perl modules are compiled for your Perl version. It is also possible that the requirements for PHP, Perl and MySQL are on different Servers. You have only to make sure that the PHP scripts and the Perl daemon are on the right one. It works with Perl 5.10.1, MySQL 5.0.51a, Apache 2.2.16 and PHP 5.3.3-6 To lookup the steam profile page via the SteamID you need BCmath support loaded in PHP We don't explain how to setup a webserver with PHP and MySQL support. There are already enough How-To's. Just use your search engine of choice to find one. Notice about XAMPP or LAMP packages: Please, please do not use those combined packages. They are fine but have some limitations and custom settings which can cause trouble. To avoid those just install each required part by itself. This way you make sure you have only the things you need.