HLStats strips automatically the following tags from player names: $s_output =~ s/\[No.C-D\]//g; # remove [No C-D] tag $s_output =~ s/\[OLD.C-D\]//g; # remove [OLD C-D] tag $s_output =~ s/\[NOCL\]//g; # remove [NOCL] tag $s_output =~ s/\([0-9]\)//g; # strip (1) and (2) from player names This can be expanded if you know PERL RegEx. So if you want to remove "fuck" from Player names use this: $s_output =~ s/fuck//g; # strip fuck from player names Be carefull since a wrong RegEx can make Playernames goofy. To modify those patterns you have to edit the HLstats_Player.pm file and search for g_option_strip_tags. To disable this feature completly set the option STRIPTAGS to No in the HLStats options.