1.65 (2012-11-15) *) Fixed: Possible sql error with Players table. There was no default value. Run the sql upgrade file to fix this. (thx to druxxi) *) Fixed: some typos and code improvements *) Fixed: typo in table rows and code 1.64 (2012-09-12) *) Fixed: missing SQL statement for the PlayerAttackedPlayer table. Thx to kimaki *) New: CS:GO support ( thx to /r/Globaloffensive ) *) Update: Fortress forever gamesupport update *) Fixed: Bug in role overview page 1.63 (2012-07-12) *) New: skype field in player table. hls_set skype from ingame #16 *) New: steam achievements are shown at the games which have steam stats curl modul for php is needed *) New: New style sheet 'rounded' *) New: New style sheet 'grey' *) New: Player attacked Player events are now recorded. *) New: GoldenEye: Source gamesupport *) New: Left for dead 2 gamesupport *) New: Players timeline *) Update: Using PHP mysqli extension now. *) Update: L4D, Hidden and other gamesupport files. *) Update: Server add-ons list *) Update: some interface changes *) Web interface (PHP) uses the MySQLi extension now *) Works with Perl 5.12.4, MySQL 5.1.16 *) Fixed: Player not tracked if NON-Steam server is used ;-) Uses NOSTEAM_ in uniqueid *) Fixed: timestamp option was not used correctly. *) Fixed: deleted lastUpdate column from player table. is now replaced with skillchangeDate *) Fixed: players count per day *) Fixed: Possible fix for server view. Variable was a string *) Fixed: Sort did not work in player chat history table *) Changed: L4D improvements. zombies are now handled as BOT to clear up the stats *) Closed: #14 *) Closed: #15 *) Closed: #39 *) Close: #18 1.62 (2011-05-18) *) New: Design styles (css) updated. *) New: Zombie Panic! Source had no weapon pics *) New: Most time online chart at player overview. Needs serverplugin which provides time info ( eg. AMX Mod X statsplugin ) *) New: Game reset by server or all *) New: Command line argument -q|--quiet will surpress all output Useful for cron jobs *) Changed: New Rank section in player detail page. #37 *) Updated: blue.css and default.css small design changes *) Updated: weapon and map pictures *) Fixed: old weapon images converted to png *) Fixed: #34 *) Fixed: number format error in player detail page *) Fixed: #36 *) Fixed: #4 *) Closed: #24 1.61 (2011-03-08) *) New: New css style blue.css *) New: favicon.ico now available ;-) *) New: Admintool added to clear old signatures ( older then one day ) *) New: Opposing Force CTF/DM role models added *) New: Admin host stats available again *) Changed: New Bug Tracker. Now FlySpray *) Changed: Mysql escape function on PHP now mysql_real_escape_string *) Changed: cleaner mysql query strings *) Changed: Opposing Force gamesupport files merged. To upgrade an existing installation import the gamesupport file manually to the database ( thx to h3erbert ) *) Changed: Cleaner gamesupport sql files *) Fixed: Ticket #28 *) Fixed: Improved Opposing Force gamesupport ( thx to h3rbert ) *) Fixed: Weapon mix up now in oposing force now fixed ( thx to h3rbert ) *) Fixed: FS#33 Old Chart images were not removed. 1.60 (2011-02-10) *) Note: Works with Perl v5.10.1, MySQL 5.0.51a, Apache 2.2.16 PHP 5.3.3-6 *) Note: Thx to Schakal for all his help making this release ready ! *) Note: Changed license: CDDL http://www.sun.com/cddl/cddl.html *) New: HLStats needs MySQL 4.1 and MySQL is the only supported DB yet. *) New: HLStats needs PHP > 5.2.0 now. *) New: New design and overall re-write of the web-interface *) New: Team statistics overview page (thx to goose for the idea) *) New: Player profile has new myspace field /hls_set myspace url *) New: Player profile has new facebook field /hls_set facebook url *) New: Player profile has new jabber field /hls_set jabber url *) New: Player profile has new steamprofile field /hls_set steamprofile url *) New: Steam profile page lookup via SteamID. BCmath support (PHP) is needed. http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.bc.php *) New: Clan Profile can new enter a steam group URL *) New: Daemon can now lookup country. Using Maxmind GeoIP. Please read the documentation on how to use this feature !! flags provided by famfamfam *) New: Players table gets a date on updates. This can be used to show Players from current day etc. *) New: If no connect is recorded the "Last Connect" information is taken from the last event a player has made. *) New: If BOTs are recored (IGNOREBOTS option) then the player overview has a new option to show those too. Otherwise only non-bots are shown. *) New: Daily awards have a history. The data will be kept as log as DELETEDAYS is defined. *) New: hlstats-screen.sh script to start HLStats within the screen command. thx to Schakal *) New: New signature background image: css_nitro Copyright by Nitrocium @ deviantart *) New: The information if a player is a bot or not is now stored in the _Players table. This avoids the additional scan via uniqueIds. If we include Bots we now can show if a player is a bot or not with the bot picture (bot.png). If we ignore bots, the bot should be ignored now in the most cases. *) New: Points for a teamkill can now be configured on hlstats.conf.ini value = TKPoints Default is 60 points *) Update: TFC images *) Update: TFC gamesupport *) Update: TF2 gamesupport *) Update: L4D gamesupport *) Update: Big game picture at right side, which shows the current selected game *) Update: New server addons and updated the current ones. *) Changed: pid file name changed ( thx to schakal ) *) Changed: Options moved from conf files into DB, but information about DB access is still in those files. Needed to make sure the daemon and webinterface can still be apart. IMPORTANT: READ THE UPGRADE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS !! *) Changed: ELO Ratingsystem removed. It was never used..... :( *) Changed: Only one admin user is now possible. Dropped admin rights for now. *) Changed: Design options removed from options table *) Changed: imgpath and imgdir option removed *) Changed: Host statistics in admin disabled. New version will include this again. *) Changed: Constant INCLUDE_PATH removed. *) Changed: hlstats.php file renamed to index.php scripturl option has been removed. *) Changed: sorting pictures renamed *) Changed: replaced AMCharts with pChart *) Changed: Information about real kills removed *) Changed: hls_set options cleanup *) Changed: hlstats.conf.ini DNSResolveIP and DNSTimeout removed. Replaced by UseGEOIP *) Changed: Dropped hlstats_Server defaultMap. While loading servers from DB we get the current map via ServerQueries. This should avoid "unknown" maps *) Changed: Dropped MailTo and MailPath setting for daemon. *) Changed: Filters at players overview are applied to chart, too. *) Changed: RCON password not saved in events anymore. Display in logs if DEBUG > 1 *) Fixed: typo in lang (thx to LuBJe) *) Fixed: bug in admin -> Tools -> Reset (thx to conan) *) Fixed: remove the ; in rcon commands (thx to Par0noid) *) Fixed: Issue #23 *) Fixed: Issue #26 *) Fixed: Issue #32 *) Fixed: Issue #31 *) Fixed: Issue #40 *) Fixed: Issue #42 *) Fixed: Issue #43 *) Fixed: Issue #51 *) Fixed: Issue #63 *) Fixed: Edit player details. Hiding a player was not saved *) Fixed: Issue #62 *) Fixed: Parse error in player-activity.pl script.... 1.51 (2009-11-23) *) New: HLStats can now be translated via ini files. The default language is set in the hlstats.conf.php file. Update the configuration ! Help and some graphics are still missing *) New: Visitors can now change the language of the web content via cookies *) New: Player are now seperated into "active" and "inactive" Players The players which have now activity (skill change) in a given timeframe are set to inactive and will not be show in players overview. *) New: Role pictures in player info page if available. *) Updated: Display of the awards and more stuff (thx to freaker and someone) *) Updated: Ignore BOT option ignores everything which has BOT as unique ID *) Updated: Dod Role and map pictures. *) Updated: TF2 Weapon pics *) Changed: Period for event deletion in hlstats.pl increased. *) Changed: import-tools.sh removed (can be found in the docs now) *) Changed: HLstats is now HLStats *) Chnaged: Moved functions from hlstats.pl to HLstats.plib *) Changed: hlstats.conf is now hlstats.conf.ini and uses the ini format. http://search.cpan.org/~adamk/Config-Tiny/ The perl module Config::Tiny is now required for running HLStats daemon *) Changed: removed some options which where never user or are useless anymore -n, --nodebug, $g_nodebug *) Changed: removed the option g_patch_loopback_ip and implemented it into hlstats.pl *) Changed: removed the old db object and replaced it with basic mysql functions from php. *) Changed: renamed the hlstats.conf.inc.php file to hlstats.conf.php *) Fixed: Special chars problem in players overview page (thx to freaker) *) Fixed: Missing check in doEvent_Chat function (thx to VladiBG) *) Fixed: rcon messages. Missing quotes (thx to freaker) *) Fixed: Missing game information if only one game is installed (thx freaker) (#22) *) Fixed: News Box to small (#25) *) Fixed: Special chars error in temporary tables (#21) *) Fixed: Admin Events view, filter was not working (#12) 1.50 (2009-06.18) *) New: EloRating system. Can be activated and used sperate it along with the existing (thx to HampusW) *) New: EloRatung system: Level of verbose output can now be configured in hlstats conf *) New: Beta gamesupport for L4D *) New: Beta support for Zombie Panic *) New: IngamePoints option in hlstats.conf allows to de/active the skill report at kill/frag (thx to Schlesie) *) New: At server configuration you can enter the default map. This map is used if HLStats is unable to determine the map. *) New: /skill and /pskill now reports the KpD too. (Feature request: 2556961 ) *) New: sm_psay for a private say command with sourceMod (thx to unkraut) *) New: a not to the installer, to activate cookies *) New: more map pics *) New: rcon say improvements and fixes in the rcon in EloRatingSystem *) Fixed: there were still some php short tags in some scripts (thx to psychonic and enemy) *) Fixed: Missing semicolon on hlstats-resolv.pl (thx to freaker) *) Fixed: Missing & at the hlstats.sh script (thx to Shakal) *) Fixed: Possible error in query (sig.php) and include path(xml.php) (thx to Andre86) *) Fixed: Error for connects flash as no player data was in events table *) Fixed: tf2 gamesupport file *) Fixed: Error at player info page *) Changed: Improvements to the flash charts *) Changed: SQl Improvements to the database and queries which speeds at large amount of data *) Changed: hlstats.pl prints only info with -d *) Changed: hls_skill and hls_pskill are now skill and pskill *) Changed: Improved support for utf-8 *) Changed: Improved base sql file. WARNING it will only work with mysql 4.1.x and newer *) Changed: DB Error shows only error and no user information *) Changed: Simplified the db class, since we only support mysql *) Changed: cleaned code base and now using PHP 5 *) Changed: Improved Insurgency game support 1.40 (2008-11-11) *) Fixed: Edit Clan details, no id given ( ticket: 2166174) *) Fixed: Rcon shown up in live stats ( ticket: 2166174 and 2180315) *) Fixed: TF2 SQl cleanup ( ticket: 2190031 ) *) Fixed: Ingame messages printed to many information ( ticket: 2222115 ) *) Fixed: Possible bug ( ticket: 2224659 ) *) Changed: Player Chat history on a seperate page ( ticket: 2249905 ) *) Changed: Live stats works again but only with limited features ( ticket: 2182620,2190025,2206898) *) Updated: Some new weapon pics 1.40beta2 (2008-10-31) *) Changed: Reduced Live stats inforamtion since valve steam update *) Changed: Improved support files (thx psychonic) *) Changed: Speedup for live stats (thx SLAiNTRAX) *) Fixed: bugs since 1.40beta *) Added: beta gamesupport for Insurgency (thx psychonic) 1.40beta (2008-10-08) *) New: Gamesupport for Half Life 2 CTF *) New: Flash charts provided by amcharts *) New: Reset statistics for specific player *) New: Player online statistics per day (flash) (default is deactivated) *) New: Player kills per day (flash) (default is deactivated) *) New: Most time online statistics (flash) (default is deactivated) *) New: Say /hls_skill is now included *) New: historical awards in the Delete Days period (Feature Request: 1872588) *) New: xml interface for retrieving some information (default is deactivated) *) New: Signature gererator (sig.php) ( See documentation for more details ) *) New: Players view can be now seperated by server (Feature Request: 451340) *) New: Possibility to log all say messages. Option LogChat in hlstats.conf (default 0) (Feature Request: 2073578,2224660) *) New: skill messages can be also returned as private messages /hls_psay (Feature Request: 2073578) *) Changed: DeleteDays can be 0 now. Which means data will be kept forever *) Changed: include of plib files is no done via require *) Updated: TF2 weapon pics *) Updated: TFC actions *) Fixed: Show people this person has killed Dropdown (Bug: 1941280) *) Fixed: Advanced server view was not saving the data (Bug: 1966096) *) Fixed: Possible bug in live_stats view for a server *) Fixed: (possible) Fix for "mysql has gone away" bug *) Fixed: Day of Defeat:Source install sql file bug (invalid sql) *) Fixed: Typo in hlstats-awards.pl (Bug: 2055233) *) Fixed: PNG transparent for IE 1.38 (2008-08-04) *) New: table prefix. The installer can configure your table prefix. (default is hlstats_) If you don't want to use the installer read the docs first ( Feature request: 1901188) *) Changed: The installer saves the daemon conf (hlstats.conf) now into the installer folder, since the daemon can be seperate from the hlstats.php *) Changed: The /set commands are now /hls_set and /hls_hideranking *) Updated: Improved TF2 gamesupport file *) Updated: Impreoved help page *) Updated: Installation and other documentation files *) Fixed: TF2 team codes were wrong. (Bug: 1962361) *) Fixed: Advanced server view was not saving the data (Bug: 1966096) *) Fixed: File permission check in installer *) Fixed: Player actions fix for tfc 1.37 (2008-06-11) *) Bugfix release *) Fix: Weapon row in SQL table was too small for some weapon names *) Fix: Missing awards for tf2 *) Fix: Adding news resulted in a MySQL error (Windows) 1.36 (released 2008-04-29) *) New: Adding and removing a game via Web-Interface *) New: New weapon pics and new game Icons and more *) New: Admin has now a logout function *) New: Team Fortress 2 support *) New: Web installer *) Changed: Fixed layout bugs *) Changed: Login settings, should be saver now *) Changed: Constant PLATFORM was never used *) Alot of stuff I can't even remember.. 1.35a beta (released 2008-01-22) (beta release !) (see more Details at https://sourceforge.net/projects/hlstats/ ) *) Fix: Bug 1831896 *) Fix: Bug 1676870 *) Fix: Bug 1548966 *) Fix: Bug 1455683 *) Fix: Bug 1008758 *) Fix: Player rank in playerinfo page were the kills instead the rank *) Fix: wapons row in hlstats_Events_Frags was too short Weapon Names were shortened and not correctly stored. *) New: Patch 1822124 *) New: Patch 1822072 *) New: Patch 1376418 *) New: News plugin working correctly *) New: Small arrows indicate the process of skill change (Feature request: 419869) *) New: The stats can be reseted by game *) New: Show last reset Date (at the gobal reset funktion) (Feature request: 441345) *) New: Delete a Player from a Clan (Feature reuqest: 423813) *) New: Adding gamesupport files via the web-interface *) Update: hideranking option not only at players page. (Reature request: 471156) *) Update: Various Weapon Images and Maps *) Changed: Configuration hase been moved from hlstats.php to hltstatsinc/hlstats.conf.inc.php *) Changed: all include file have now .php at the end 1.35 (released 2007-02-06) *) Fix: XSS vulnerability in search class. (Thanks Tobi) *) Fix: Tighter sanitation of GET/POST vars. (Thanks Tobi) *) Fix: LiveStats split packet bug. *) New: Option to hide daily awards. *) Changed: Updated links for server plugins. *) Changed: Added more server plugins. 1.34 (released 2006-01-25) *) New: Gamesupport for Vampire Slayer *) Fix: NumPlayers/Auto-Disconnecting bug. (thanks timeout) *) Fix: Livestats search error. *) Fix: Windows DNS Resolving finnaly works. *) Fix: Claninfo page now displays a nice error if a clan has 0 members. *) Changed: HLTV no longer recorded as a player. *) Changed: Server cvars are now recognised if they are empty. *) Changed: Better Rcon command recognition. *) Changed: Unresolved IP Addresses are now grouped together. *) Changed: Better UTF-8 support. 1.33 (released 2005-11-04) *) Fix: Livestats Parse Errors *) Fix: Teams joined query fix (Thanks Tobi) *) Fix: New query format (livestats) *) New: Gamesupport file for DoD:Source *) New: Map and Weapon Images for DoD:Source (Thanks jonass) *) New: Included *NIX HLstats Startup script *) New: Included *NIX Log Import script *) Changed: Most Windows line breaks to UNIX linebreaks *) Changed: Livestats now searches for name, not id. (prevents NameTrack searches returning every player) 1.32 (released 2005-03-18) *) Fix: No longer decrement players with STEAM_ID_PENDING (num-players bug, thanks TechMan) *) Fix: Rcon mode never being used for live stats *) Fix: Live stats chops off first character of IP *) Fix: Various formatting issues *) Fix: Counting Console as a player *) Fix: Team killing in Deathmatch (everyone on 'Unassigned' team) *) New: Images for everything *) New: KKrcon update for Source engine servers (thanks TechMan/Tobi17) *) New: Support for Valve's new query format *) New: Game support file for HL2MP (Team/Deathmatch - Now with weapons!) *) Changed: Updated Counter-Strike: Source support (missing smokegrenade weapon log) *) Changed: Updated Ricochet Support (added weapons) *) Changed: Updated gamesupport for source KKrcon *) Changed: Live stats for protocol 7 *) Changed: References to gamedir in live stats to game *) Changed: Better UTF-8 support php-side (thanks Tobi17) *) Changed: Removed SQL Query from Admin class, php saves us the MD5 query 1.31 (released 2004-11-27) *) Fix: Removed bad session code *) Fix: allow_call_time_pass_reference in 'hlstatsinc\hlquery_funcs.inc' *) Fix: function returning false instead of empty in 'hlstatsinc\hlquery_funcs.inc' *) Fix: Removed unwanted debug code left from pre 1.30 *) Fix: Infinite loop in 'hlstatsinc\hlquery_funcs.inc' *) New: Counter-Strike: Source rcon support for Live Stats *) New: Game support file for Condtion Zero *) New: Game support file for Counter-Strike: Source *) New: Game support file for Gearbox (CTF & DM) *) New: Game support file for Ricochet 1.30 (released 2004-10-14) *) Fix: Timeleft worked incorrectly with AMX/CM *) Fix: Include paths missed out of live stats *) Fix: Player count with bots on server *) Fix: Corrupt DMC images *) New: MySQL 4.0 support added *) Changed: If no public address port, live stats uses pivate address port *) Changed: General optimisations/tweaks to live stats *) Changed: User password encryption to MD5 1.30-beta (released 2004-08-10) *) Fix: Multi-Mod Bug *) Fix: Colors with NS Weapon Images. *) Fix: Image Demensions on 'hlstatsimg\maps\valve\gasworks.jpg' *) Fix: Restricted Access Level Bug in Clan Tag Patterns *) Fix: problem related to browsers using '&' in the address *) New: Server Status Page *) New: Color Themes *) New: Support for DOD 1.1 *) New: Support for NS 3.0 *) New: Game Icons *) New: Admin panel uses sessions *) Changed: Increased Performance with 'hlstatsinc\game.inc' *) And more... :) 1.20 (released 2003-10-07) *) Fix: Bug in new register_globals code. *) Fix: [No C-D], [OLD C-D], [NOCL] clan tag removal from players names. *) Fix: (1) & (2) tag removal from players names. *) Fix: NOPLAYERINFO after idling to long *) Fix: LAN mode get() from crashing *) Fix: MOD logos not being displayed when tracking multiple mods *) New: Full support for Natural Selection 2.01. *) New: Full support for Day of Defeat 1.0. *) New: Full support for Team Fortess Classic 1.5. *) New: Defineable Roles. *) New: Ability to hide selected Teams & Roles. *) New: Kill Ratio Addon. *) New: Action Statistics page. *) New: Added "triggered a" event *) Changed: Weapon Image column color now definable. *) Changed: All weapon images are now transparent. *) Changed: Variable award periods. *) Changed: Changed htmlspecialchars() to htmlentities() 1.10 (released 2003-08-01) *) Fix: corrected sorting of clans by skill. *) Fix: remove default points for Begin_Bomb_Defuse_Without_Kit & Begin_Bomb_Defuse_With_Kit (CS). *) Fix: added body_background to admin page. *) Fix: LAN mode NOPLAYERINFO errors. *) New: full support for bots. *) New: Steam and Valve ID support. *) New: allow HLstats to work with register_globals Off. *) New: replace php short tag *) New: improved HTML 4.01 Transitional. *) New: auto-optimizations of tables. *) New: added support for DOD and NS. *) New: updated map and weapon images for the following mods : HL, TFC, CS, DOD, and NS. *) New: StatsMe support. *) New: Strip (1), (2), [NOCL], [NO-CD] and [OLD C-D] from player names. *) New: extended default clan tags. 1.02 (released 2001-12-28) *) Official release. No changes from 1.02-beta2. 1.02-beta2 (released 2001-12-02) *) Fix: really fix the timelocal() December bug. (S. Garner) 1.02-beta1 (released 2001-12-02) *) Fix: gluongun.gif / tau_cannon.gif were mixed up. (S. Garner) *) Fix: "gluongun" should be "gluon gun". (S. Garner) *) Fix: month value for timelocal() should be 0..11 not 1..12, this prevented hlstats.pl from working correctly in December! (S. Garner) *) Fix: suicide and teamkill skill penalties were being erroneously changed into +1 skill bonuses. (S. Garner, with thanks to Surtr surtr@waygate.net) *) Fix: playerinfo reported Aliases as expiring after DELETE_DAYS. (S. Garner) *) Fix: duplicate '357' weapon in gamesupport_valve. (S. Garner) *) New: RconRecord configuration option, set to 0 to disable recording logged rcon commands to the Events_Admin table (useful for PB servers). (S. Garner) *) Fix: PlayerAction and PlayerPlayerAction player skill rewards did not work (only team rewards). (S. Garner) *) Fix: escape HTML in player names when displaying awards. (S. Garner) *) Fix: NameTrack mode should work better. (S. Garner) *) Fix: decrement our count of the number of players on the server when a player disconnects. Also only increment the count if the player object doesn't exist already (in case of multiple connections without disconnect). The MinPlayers configuration setting should work now! (S. Garner) *) New: Added SkillMaxChange configuration option to fix 'insanely high skill' problem. (S. Garner, with thanks to buddha buddha@buddhapest.com) *) Fix: duplicate closing table tags in game.inc. (S. Garner) *) Fix: Add note about MySQL username@localhost to INSTALL docs. (S. Garner) 1.01 (released 2001-04-10) *) Merge KKrcon 2.11. (S. Garner) *) Fix: bug in admin.inc. (S. Garner) *) Increased size of all player name columns again, now varchar(64). (S. Garner) *) Fix: P228/Glock18 cstrike weapon images swapped. (S. Garner) *) Fix: stop "must specify player's uniqueid" error when WONID=0. (S. Garner) *) Added TFC team 4 ('Green') and #Hunted_team1/2/3. (S. Garner) *) Added checks to tools_editdetails_player and tools_editdetails_clan to make sure that a player or clan exists with the specified ID. (S. Garner) *) Fixed bug in hlstats-resolve.pl where no hosts would be resolved. (S. Garner) *) Changed hlstats-awards.pl to only generate awards for games where hidden='0', and to generate awards in game, type order. (S. Garner) *) Added --nodebug (-n) option to hlstats.pl and hlstats-resolve.pl. For each occurence, the debug level is reduced by 1. This is useful if hlstats.conf specifies e.g DebugLevel 1 and you want to run hlstats-resolve.pl with a DebugLevel of 0 -- just add -n to the command line. (S. Garner) *) Split game-specific data out of hlstats.sql into separate gamesupport_*.sql files. (S. Garner) *) Added UPGRADE.html. (S. Garner) *) When editing or creating a server, the IP Address will be checked to make sure it is a correctly formatted dotted-decimal IP address (i.e. not a hostname). (S. Garner) *) Rearrange admin settings into Game-specific groups for easier management of data. (S. Garner) *) Add unique key (game, awardType, code) to Awards table. (S. Garner) *) Added new define("PLATFORM"), allowing for a MySQL Windows bug workaround in tools_reset. (S. Garner) *) Fixed bug in uniqueid tracking when gameserver is restarted. May help both Normal and NameTrack modes. (S. Garner) *) Admin usernames and passwords are now correctly limited to 16 characters. To achieve this, EditList class now supports setting a maxlength for text fields; fields throughout the admin now have maxlengths to match their column sizes in the database. (S. Garner) *) Added Public Address and Rcon Password options to Servers, and put Public Address and Status URL into "Advanced View". Fixed game.inc to show the Public Address if specified. Public Address can be used when any kind of log relaying program is being used and the IP and Port are not the real address of the game server. (S. Garner) *) Added upgrade sql file. (S. Garner) *) Increased size of tag column in hlstats_Clans to varchar(32). (S. Garner) *) quoteSQL() now escapes \ as \\, too. (S. Garner) *) Integrated player profile management stuff from HLstats-HLLOG into hllog.pl. HLstats-HLLOG will no longer be distributed. (S. Garner) *) Die if no Events tables found with SHOW TABLES in tools_reset. (S. Garner) *) Fall back to DELETE FROM if TRUNCATE TABLE fails in tools_reset. (S. Garner) *) Explicitly set error_reporting level in hlstats.php. (S. Garner) *) Fix incorrect cstrike action codes for Awards in hlstats.sql. (S. Garner) *) Add awards for valve and tfc to hlstats.sql. (S. Garner) *) Added check for register_globals==On to hlstats.php. (S. Garner) *) Fix help.inc checking for HAVE_HLLOG == "yes" instead of == 1. (S. Garner) *) Fix incorrect valve weapon names in hlstats.sql. (S. Garner) *) Fix incorrect valve weapon image file names, and changed to always look for all-lowercase weapon image files. (S. Garner) 1.00 (released 2001-03-20) *) New header design and slightly lighter default colour scheme. (S. Garner) *) Fixed hlstats-awards.pl not awarding any action awards. (Vitriol, S. Garner) *) Added weapon images for elite, ump45, fiveseven and sg550 for Counter-Strike. Added weapon images for Half-Life Deathmatch. Added these weapons to the default Weapons table. (S. Garner) *) Added viewer option to players.inc to limit rankings to only players with greater than or equal to an arbitrary number of kills. (S. Garner) *) Added utility to tools_optimize to upgrade all tables to MyISAM. (S. Garner) *) Added support for tracking players by name (in addition to by WON ID or by IP Address). Enabled with Mode=NameTrack. (S. Garner) *) Fixed connections not being logged. (S. Garner) *) Fixed player-aliases incrementing Numuses and Lastuse for every event. Now correctly only increments when name changes. (S. Garner) 1.00-beta (released 2001-03-18) *) Updated to use new HL Standard Log Format (http://www.hlstats.org/logs/). Rewrote much of hlstats.pl to take advantage of features of the new log format. (S. Garner) *) New directive: MinPlayers. Player events will not be recorded if the number of players on the server is less than MinPlayers (default 2). (S. Garner) *) Increased maxlength of weapon code in Weapons table to 32 chars. (S. Garner) *) Added images for TFC weapons. (Neo, S. Garner) *) New admin tool: Edit Player Or Clan Details. Allows for editing of a player or clan's profile information. (S. Garner) *) Can now jump to a player's details page by passing a uniqueid (which can be a WON ID or an IP Address, depending on MODE) and game code in the URL instead of playerid, e.g.: hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&uniqueid=123456&game=tfc Useful for server status utilities wanting to link directly to a player's details page. (S. Garner) *) Clan tag patterns can now be customised; new admin section and new ClanTags database table. (S. Garner) *) Multipage navigation in Table class (hlstats.php) now only shows maximum of 20 pages, plus "First page" and "Last page" links. (S. Garner) *) New script: hlstats-resolve.pl. Goes through Events_Connects resolving any unresolved IP addresses, and re-grouping hostnames. *) Moved some common functions to HLstats.plib. *) New admin tool: Host Statistics. Shows the most popular ISPs (hostnames) for players on your servers. (S. Garner) *) Hostnames are grouped by the first 2 or 3 parts of the address (i.e. 'max1.xyz.someisp.net' becomes 'someisp.net', and 'max1.xyz.someisp.net.nz' becomes 'someisp.net.nz'), but can also be grouped into user-defined group names defined with Admin: Host Groups (hlstats_HostGroups). (S. Garner) *) Hostnames can now be optionally logged when players connect. A DNS reverse- lookup is performed on the player's IP. This can be enabled or disabled with the DNSResolveIP configuration directive or --dns-resolveip. The DNS timeout delay can also be set with DNSTimeout or --dns-timeout. (S. Garner) *) New admin tool: Reset Statistics. Deletes all players, clans and events from relevant tables using TRUNCATE TABLE. (S. Garner) *) New admin tool: Optimize Database. Runs OPTIMIZE TABLE and ANALYZE TABLE MySQL queries for all tables. Can increase database performance with large tables, if run regularly. (S. Garner) *) New admin tool: Admin-Event History (interface for new Events_Admin and Events_Rcon tables). (S. Garner) *) New "Tools" section in Admin interface. (S. Garner) *) Log speed cheats and Admin Mod messages to hlstats_Events_Admin. (S. Garner) *) Log Rcon commands to hlstats_Events_Rcon. (S. Garner) *) Default behaviour is now to use MySQL server time (NOW()), instead of hlstats.pl time (time()) and game server time (timestamp on the log data). Only the MySQL server needs an accurate clock now. Added a UseTimestamp directive to alternatively still use the timestamp from log data. (S. Garner) *) hlstats.pl can now accept log data on standard input. (S. Garner) *) hlstats.pl and hlstats-awards.pl now use a common configuration file and accept various arguments on the command line. (S. Garner) *) Add map image to map detail stats. New Option: map_dlurl. (S. Garner) *) Add map detail stats (mapinfo.inc). (R. Yacketta, S. Garner) *) Add weapon detail stats (weaponinfo.inc). (R. Yacketta, S. Garner) *) Fix incorrect urlencode()ing of homepage URLs in playerinfo.inc and in claninfo.inc. (S. Garner) *) Fix table->draw() incorrectly assuming imgdir is in DOCUMENT_ROOT. Now determines absolute path to imgdir from SCRIPT_NAME. (S. Garner) *) Add DB_PCONNECT configuration define to hlstats.php, for optional persistent database connections. (S. Garner) *) Add EXPERIMENTAL $g_mode = "LAN" for tracking players by IP address. The structure of some database tables had to be changed to accommodate this; an SQL file is provided for upgrading existing databases. (S. Garner) *) Add $g_deletedays and DELETEDAYS configuration settings. (S. Garner) *) Reorder regular expression matches in main loop in hlstats.pl; possible performance improvement. (S. Garner) *) Fix some output bugs in hlstats.pl, and tidy up some messages. (S. Garner) 0.99-beta (released 2001-01-02) *) First public release. (S. Garner)