This page describes the tasks you have to do as a admin for your HLStats installation. The most important steps are already done by the installation but here are more information about what you can do and what it is all about. ########################### ## Change site name and URL ########################### The site name and the URL can be changed in the options section. Left Menu -> HLStats Options Inserd a vaild URL ( eg. http://domain.tld ) and a nice name for your own HLStats installation. ########################### ## Add support for a game ########################### This can be found under: Left menu -> Gamesupport There you can select a game for which a gamesupport_* file is available. You can install a game only once yet. If a game is already installed it will not be listed in the dropdown, it will be listed in the dropdown for deleting a game. If you want to delete a game keep in mind that all the data and config will be deleted ! After you have added the game, the game will be available under Left menu -> gameName -> Servers There you have to add the game server or even mutliple with the same game. The Rcon password is needed to provide some more detailed information in the server view. After saving you are ready to run the daemon and ready to provide stats. ########################### ## Setup cronjob for awards generation ########################### To get the awards up and running you need to run once a day. You can setup a cronjob which is run once a day. But keep in mind you need at last log files for a day because the awards a only generated for the previous day. # crontab -e 0 12 * * * perl /path/to/ This crontab entry will run once a day at 12:00. If you don't have access to crontab, ask your webshost/admin about setting up a cronjob on your server for you. Then you need set the "Show awards" option to yes in the HLStats options page at the administration interface. Otherwise the awards will not be shown. The generated awards will be saved as much days as the DELETEDAYS value. ########################### ## Setup cronjob for player activity ########################### Players which have no update for X days ( the X is the value which is set by the TIMEFRAME option ) will be marked as inaktive. Those players will not be shown on the default player overview page. Only if you select "show all players" those players will be shown on the list with a grey player icon. # crontab -e 0 2 * * * /usr/bin/perl /path/to/hlstats/daemon/ The crontab entry will run the script once a day at 02:00 AM.