Minor update to [bibliotheca](https://www.bananas-playground.net/projekt/bibliotheca/). Want to contribute? Project also on [Github](https://github.com/bananas-repos/bibliotheca-php) as a mirror. It is a self hosted collection management tool. You can manage different types of collections and as many as you want. It comes with a default set of fields which define your collection entries. Some features: - Self hosted media management. Runs even on a raspberry (see requirements). - Supports multiple collections. Eg. movies, games and music. - Each collection has their own fields, which can freely be arranged to store the information needed for each entry. - Multiple user accounts and rights on collection and each entry. - Theme support. - Export and import of everything, collection or only selective entries. - Search within default field and advanced search in every field. - Lightwight. ```{=html} ``` 1.2 - NyLeve's Falls (20210717) * Updated requirements information * Added Musicbrainz grabber * Added new field: artist * Fixed: #11 Undefined index while adding new entry * Fixed: #10, #09, #08 Download: [1.2 - NyLeve's Falls - 20210717](/assets/bibliotheca/bibliotheca_1.2_NyLeves-Falls.xz), Checksum [md5](/assets/bibliotheca/bibliotheca_1.2_NyLeves-Falls.xz.md5sum), [sha1](/assets/bibliotheca/bibliotheca_1.2_NyLeves-Falls.xz.sha1sum) More information [about bibliotheca can be found here.](https://www.bananas-playground.net/projekt/bibliotheca/) Jul 17 2021 © https://www.bananas-playground.net 2000 - 2024