Another year, another project :-) This is one of my 24h ideas/projects. [Other](/projekt/wgehzm/) [ones](/projekt/correptus/) A self hosted small paste server like [dpaste](, [bpaste]( or [pastebin]( It is not the aim to replace any other well know paste service. It is an experiment and build for private use only. But I'm happy how well it started and fitted into 24h of development. It is still not polished or really ready for production use, but some of you could have fun with it. If so, let me know. 2020101 version 0.3-beta Lithium * Update information now included * Rewritten lifetime calculation * Ready for 2020 * Lifetime in days now and not in seconds Download it here: [0.3-beta - Lithium - (2020-01-01)](/assets/selfpaste/selfpaste-0.3-beta_Lithium.xz), Checksum [md5](/assets/selfpaste/selfpaste-0.3-beta_Lithium.xz.md5sum), [sha1](/assets/selfpaste/selfpaste-0.3-beta_Lithium.xz.sha1sum) More information [about selfpaste can be found here.]( Jan 01 2020 © 2000 - 2024