[The Yale Problem Begins in High School](http://heterodoxacademy.org/2015/11/24/the-yale-problem-begins-in-high-school/) > (...) > After the first dozen questions I noticed that not a single questioner was male. I began to search the sea of hands asking to be called on and I did find one boy, who asked a question that indicated that he too was critical of my talk. But other than him, the 200 or so boys in the audience sat silently. > (...) > (...)You might think that this is some sort of justice --- white males have enjoyed positions of privilege for centuries, and now they are getting a taste of their own medicine. *But these are children.* > (...) Jeder ist ein Individuum. Wie man aber wird hängt sehr stark von der Sozialen Umwelt ab. Man sollte öfters mal Out-Of-The-Box denken und an die frische Luft gehen. Dann würden wir sehen was wir mit unsere Mitmenschen anstellen. Nov 26 2015 © https://www.bananas-playground.net 2000 - 2024