If you get an error about a missing database table, here is the SQL statement to create it: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#DB_PREFIX#_Events_PlayerAttackedPlayer`; CREATE TABLE `#DB_PREFIX#_Events_PlayerAttackedPlayer` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `eventTime` datetime DEFAULT NULL, `serverId` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `map` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `playerId` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `weapon` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL, `victimId` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `damage` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `armor` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `health` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, `hitgroup` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL, `damage_armor` int(10) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; Please remember to replace the #DB_PREFIX# with your DB prefix. Thank you for your time, and sorry about this. Jul 24 2012 © https://www.bananas-playground.net 2000 - 2024